Anthony Trucks

Brand Strategy, Communications, Logo, Visual Language, Website

Anthony is an identity coach and highly successful keynote speaker. He trailblazer through the industry by focusing on creating a structure that teaches people how to shift their identity. Having a new brand mission and looking to flip the industry on it’s head, Anthony needed a visual identity that matched these goals.

Brand Strategy

Anthony’s “Pinky Finger Power” as he calls it, is the ability to make shift’s throughout life with ease. His courses reflect helping people identify exactly where they currently are and the best route to navigate the shifts they need to make to get where they want to go.

With a sea of coaches on the internet, standing out is a vital part of gaining an audience. Our approach was to focus on The Who, the What, and The Why of his brand. We defined these terms in order to create the assets that will reflect making shifts.

Communications / Content

A major part of Anthony’s business is creating compelling content that establishes authority in order to invoke action on the viewer. We worked alongside Anthony to identify his online voice. Building out a personal brand is unique and allows freedoms, as well as, hurdles.

We needed to build out a strategy that would allow flexibility for Anthony to change his personal tone as an individual without catapulting his brand south.

We accomplished this by creating categories of communication types: Coaching, Inspirational, Health/Wellness, & Relationships. This would allow for Anthony to speak on the subjects aligned with his brand in the way that he would like.

Anthony Trucks Branding Header Image

Logo and Visual Language

The logo is the image that will be clearly identified by others, but the other visual assets support this visual mark. We focused on developing material that would be Strong, Reliable, and Clear. This would ultimately aid Anthony in standing out online by having visuals that people would know were his.


Anthony’s website is the hub for all of his information so having that information clearly represented is the goal in order to WOW anyone coming to see what Anthony does.